National House of Chiefs

De National House of Chiefs bi de highest body insyd Ghana wey dey unite all traditional rulers, chiefs den kings. De institution gey backing from de Constitution of Ghana.[1][2][3][4]



De various rulers of Ghana ein numerous tribes den clans automatically become members of a number of regional houses of chiefs. Ebi demma membership of these regional bodies wey dey qualifies dem for membership insyd of de national house.

In addition to dese chiefs, a number of queen mothers dem san appoint dem go de national house as dem bi demma associate members. Dese titleholders dem appoint dem for four-year terms, den dem bi eligible for re-appointment thereafter.

Although de national d renegional houses dem dominate am by citizens of Ghana, dem dey affiliate dem plus plentey foreign nationals. De African-American religious leader Ra Un Nefer Amen, for example, serve as de U.S. representative of de chiefs insyd congress assemble. He himself dey hold a Ghanaian chieftaincy in ein own right.

Presidents of NHC


Since de creation of de National House of Chiefs, a president den ein vice-president dem select dem from among demma own members for de house wey go direct demma affairs. Dem start dis practice first insyd 1969.[5]

President Title Year
1 Otumfour Agyemang Prempeh II Asantehene 1969 – 1970
2 Otumfour Opoku Ware II Asantehene 1970 – 1978
3 Osagyefo Agyemang Badu I Dormaahene 1978 – 1982
4 Otumfour Opoku Ware II Asantehene 1982 – 1989
5 Torgbe Adja Tekpor VI Osie Avatime 1989 – 1992
6 Nana Oduro Nimapau II Esumejahene 1992 – 1998
7 Osagyefo Kuntunkunuku II Okyehene 1998 – 1999
8 Odeefuo Boaponsem Denkyirahene 1999 – 2001
9 Dr. Poure Puobe VII Nandom 1999
10 Odeefuo Boaponsem Denkyirahene 1999 – 2001
11 Odeneho Gyapong Ababio II Sefwi-Bekwaihene 2001 – 2008
12 Prof. Naa John S. Nabila Wulugu Naba 2008 – 2016
13 Togbe Afede XIV Agbogbomefia 2016 –2020
13 Ogyeahoho Yaw Gyebi II Sefwi Anhwiasohene 2020-present

San see

  • Chieftaincy institution (Ghana)

