Vincent Kolo

Nigerian artist

Vincent Kolo be Nigerian artist

Vincent Kolo
Ein sex anaa gendermale Edit
Name wey dem give amVincent Edit
Ein occupationartist Edit
Personal pronounL485 Edit

Kolo win de first Nefertiti Grand Prize give ein artwork 'Cords of Yesterday' so say ego commemorate Africa Integration Day.[1] According to de African Union-backed organizers, na de category be for works wey capture " contemporary quest give Africa so say dem go mow from demma past, take charge of demna present den build dema own unique vision of united, prosperous, future". Ein submission dey depict sam African shoddie plus ein hands wey dem tie adjacent for ein face through de aid of sam rope.[2]


  1. "Nigerian wins $50,000 Nefertiti grand prize for African creativity". Business Day.
  2. "Nigerian artist wins Nefertiti prize for African creativity". Premium Times. 2020-07-08. Retrieved 2020-09-07.